Independent US Senetor from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, is calling for an end to coporate welfare in the form of large "subsidies and tax breaks to hugely profitable fossil fuel corporations." Sanders lists off major offenders and the outrageous breaks they are recieving. Perhaps the most infuriating piece of information he lists is that
BP is claiming a 9.9 billion in tax deductions because they had to spend money on cleaning up their disasterous oil spill. 

Independent US Senetor from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, is calling for an end to coporate welfare in the form of large "subsidies and tax breaks to hugely profitable fossil fuel corporations." Sanders lists off major offenders and the outrageous breaks they are recieving. Perhaps the most infuriating piece of information he lists is that
BP is claiming a 9.9 billion in tax deductions because they had to spend money on cleaning up their disasterous oil spill. 

Perhaps a call to end polluter wellfare would give Congress the funding they need to keep the US Postal Service alive. A recent article from Salon suggests that Congress' actions are more to blame for the financial troubles of the U.S.P.S. than factors like the rise of email.